Tiếng Việt

Kreston (VN) hosts successful Asia Pacific Conference 2024 in Hanoi

Kreston (VN) hosts successful Asia Pacific Conference 2024 in Hanoi


Announcement, Featured

HANOI, Vietnam – Kreston Global and Kreston (VN) successfully hosted the Asia Pacific Conference 2024 from July 4-6 in the vibrant city of Hanoi. The event united Kreston colleagues from across the Asia Pacific region and beyond to foster relationships and share insights into new ways of working and client collaboration.

The main business program commenced on July 5, starting with welcome remarks and an overview of Kreston (VN) from Mr. Nguyen Hoang Dung, Managing Partner. He highlighted the firm’s achievements and future aspirations, setting an optimistic tone for the conference.

The morning sessions featured a “How to Do Business in Vietnam” presentation by Ms. Chu Tuyet Nhung, Partner at Kreston (VN). Her talk, which included case studies and an engaging Q&A session, provided attendees with practical insights into the Vietnamese market.

Following this, keynote speaker Lim Chor Ghee, INED (Chairman of Kucingko Berhad and Co-founder of IMM Group/Be Better Foundation), delivered thought-provoking insights into the region’s business landscape and economic drivers of trade. The session was followed by a strategic update from Liza Robbins, Chief Executive of Kreston Global, who introduced new firms, Kreston Thailand and Helmi Talib, to the network.

Presentations on conflict checks and regional client management wrapped up the morning, before breaking for lunch.

After the break, the Asia Pacific regional committee, chaired by Kamal Thakkar of Kreston Stanley & Williamson, shared an overview of their plans. Speakers Ganesh Ramaswamy, Helen Rivero from Kreston Proworks, and Vineet Rathi from Kreston OPR contributed to the discussion. The day concluded with a group discussion and feedback session, allowing attendees to voice their ideas and suggestions.

The final day, July 6, featured focused breakout sessions for the Audit and Tax groups, hosted by Kamal Thakkar and Mark Taylor, Chair of the Global Tax Group, respectively. These sessions provided a platform for specialized discussions and knowledge exchange.

The conference concluded with remarks from Rich Howard, Chairman of the Kreston Board, and Liza Robbins, Chief Executive of Kreston Global. They expressed their gratitude to Kreston (VN) for hosting a successful conference and presented a commemorative gift to the host firm. Mr. Nguyen Hoang Dung accepted the gift on behalf of Kreston (VN).

The Asia Pacific Conference 2024 in Hanoi was a testament to the strength and collaboration within the Kreston network, paving the way for future growth and partnerships across the region.

You can view more images from the conference at the link below: