Tiếng Việt

Tax Retainer


Tax Retainer

Current trends

A retainer arrangement is highly valued by our clients, as it provides regular access to our professional advice, assistance, and support without the concern of unexpected fees (typically a monthly fixed fee applies).

Typical challenges faced by the business community

  • Need for regular updates on relevant Vietnamese regulations.
  • Quick response required for inquiries on the application of relevant laws and regulations.
  • Necessity of written confirmation for verbal advice.
  • Requirement for meetings to discuss tax and business issues.
  • Access to relevant laws and regulations, along with English translations.

Tax Retainer in Vietnam. How Kreston (VN) can help?

  • Regularly update on relevant Vietnamese regulations through our monthly newsletter, special issues, and other publications relevant to your business activities.
  • Provide quick responses to telephone and email inquiries on the application of relevant laws and regulations on taxation and other business issues.
  • Offer written confirmation of verbal advice provided, upon specific request.
  • Attend meetings to discuss the application of relevant laws and regulations on taxation and other business issues.
  • Provide relevant laws and regulations issued by the Vietnamese government, along with English translations (if available), as required.

Please feel free to contact us. We will be more than happy to help.

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