Tiếng Việt

Tax Controversy


Tax Controversy

Current trends

Due to the pressure to meet tax collection budgets, we have observed the following trends among tax authorities:

  • A decreased willingness to grant concessions and simplifications related to tax issues.
  • Stricter interpretations of tax laws that could result in increased tax liabilities.

Typical challenges facing the business community

  • Rejection of preferable tax status by tax authorities, leading to inadvertent tax violations and subsequent penalties.
  • Unexpected loss of tax benefits such as incentives, refunds, and deductibility.
  • Missed opportunities for tax savings.
  • Challenges with financial statement tax accruals for uncertain tax positions.

Tax Controversy in Vietnam: How Kreston (VN) can help

Kreston (VN) has a proven track record of successfully dealing with tax authorities in various complex tax cases for clients while maintaining strong business relationships with Vietnamese authorities at both central and provincial levels. Our tax controversy services include:

  • Tax Audit Assistance: Providing support during tax audits, including transfer pricing audits.
  • Verbal Discussion and Advice: Offering direct advice and discussions with tax and customs authorities.
  • Tax Petition Services: Assisting in obtaining tax rulings and addressing tax disputes.

Please feel free to contact us. We will be more than happy to help.

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